Woordjes leren ffff

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Hoofdstukken ffff

Methodesite ffff

I chose Belgium becauce I've been there one time and I liked it.
Belgium is located in Western Europe. The capital is Brussels.
There is no time difference with the Netherlands.

Now I'm going to tell about the country Himself.
Belgium has a temperate climate. During the winter the average temperature is not less than 5 ° C. This is because the warm Gulf Stream in the Atlantic also warms the North Sea. Furthermore, the changeable weather a strong character.
There are many beautiful buildings eg brugge
I show a few buildings
This is the markt en this the Minnewater Lake.
Nederlands - ~ 60% van de hele bevolking
Frans - ~ 39% van de hele bevolking
Duits - ~ 75.000 inwoners, iets minder dan een procent.



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