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52 The law

Jaar 5 (vwo)
  Ingezonden op 22-10-2015 - 1755x bekeken. 
Nog niet genoeg stemmen voor waardering: geef je mening!

(!) 'to penalise' is een formeel woord voor 'to punish'.

Woorden in voorbeeldzinnen:

The judge asked the woman to describe the rapist.
She gave a description of the rapist.
Her description was very accurate.
The accused confessed that he had committed the crime.
He was convicted of murder.
Convict and inmate are other words for 'prisoner'.
He has had already two convictions for theft.
Laws have to be enforced.
Lawbreakers should be penalised.
The police verified if the witness had told the truth.
In the 19th century many criminals were banished from Britain to Australia.
Trafficking is buying and selling illegal goods e.g. drugs trafficking.
In legal matters I'm only a layman.
The machinery of the law works slowly.
Without evidence it's difficult to prove someone's guilt.
The jury said that the man was guilty.
The accused was found guilty.
The defendant pleaded guilty.
The lawyer's plea lasted two hours.
The judge objected to the lawyer's question.
The lawyer listened to the judge's objections.
The witness was under oath to tell the truth.
The jury showed no mercy to the killer.

Deze overhoring is meer dan zeven jaar geleden ingestuurd. Dit was de begintijd van woordjesleren.nl!!
Waarschijnlijk werk je met een recentere uitgave en wijkt jouw boek af van de inzending hierboven.


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